Your local Realtor

Orange County is my home, not only a city where I work. I have a profound understanding of how awesome it can be to live in this area, but also the challenges like commuting, housing prices, and the differences between neighborhoods. Being local to Orange County I can efficiently match your wish list and necessities with a neighborhood that fits right with your lifestyle. If you are looking to sell your house, I know how to find the perfect buyer so you can close the deal faster and with a better profit margin. I offer a wide range of real estate services to assist you in this life-changing moment.

✔ Contract Writing

✔ Buyer Evaluation

✔ Offer Negotiation

✔ Open House

✔ Offer Review

✔ Inspections

✔ Transaction Coordination

✔ Full Communication Support with Escrow, Inspectors, etc.

✔ Pre and Post Sale Support

✔ Home Repair & Improvement Resources

✔ And More!